
The Institute of Wellbeing has a year-round internship program. While our program is flexible, interns will usually stay for about one month. …
Camp Cool
IWB has organized several Camp Cools on issues of pedestrian safety, carfree cities, and Revolt Against Plastics. Participants include……..
The Carfree Cities Alliance Bangladesh (CCAB) advocates for the creation of car-free cities in Bangladesh. The organization was established in 2018….
The Bangladesh Youth Climate Network (BYCN) is a youth-led organization that aims to promote climate action and environmental sustainability in…….
IWB envisions a society in which people of different backgrounds, physical abilities, religions and so on are all welcomed and their…..
Urban Gardening
Urban gardening can help reduce many of the problems otherwise faced by urban dwellers. Urban gardening contributes to making our………
Carfree Streets/Mobile Playgounds
It is a sad fact that many children in cities have no place to play outdoors and that youth, adults, and the elderly too often lack attractive,…….
Carfree Cities
IWB offers internships to youth with the interest and capacity to promote our campaigns and to become social movement leaders. Internships help ……
Revolt Against Plastic
One-time use of plastics for food and beverages harms our health and kills birds, fish, and other life that mistake it for food. Our take-away,………..